What is Astrology ?

Planets in the solar system are like an accurate clock in the sky. Their revolutions and movements are very precise. Planets rise and set at definite times. Effects of certain planetary influences are plainly visible such as day and night, change of seasons and tidal effects. It surely have influence on everyday life of all of us. But subtle effects on people are not so clearly evident at a glance. Astrology is a system of observations gathered through ages. Astrology, both Eastern and Western are based on a predictive system very similar to to the one used by meteorology. Instead of forecasting the weather conditions, Astrological predictive system indicates such and such things are highly probable to happen to the people when such and such planetary positions are prevailing.

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Astrology – Meaning and Origin

“Jyotisham Suryadi Grahanam Bhodakam Sastram”. The meaning of the word “Jyotisha” or “Astrology” is the study of illuminated objects like Sun and other planets. Astrology got divided into 2 parts namely “Theoretical” and “Predictive” aspects.

1. Theoretical or Mathematical which deals with Planetary movements, position etc

2. Predictive – auspicious and inauspicious timings and the kind of works to be undertaken in those times etc.,

About 500 AD according to Narada Samhitha Astrology was treated as ‘Skhanda Triya’ (3 volumes – “Theoretical”, “Samhitha” and “Hora”). By 1000 AD Astrology was treated as ‘Pancha Skhandha’ (5 volumes – Theorectical – Siddhantha, Samhitha – guidance, Hora – mundane, Prasna – question and Sakuna – omen) 1. Siddhantha Skandha – This part deals with Yuga, Maha Yuga, Solar Period, Retrogression motion of Planets, Planetary movements which helps in writing Panchanga. 2. Hora Skandha – Predicts the benefic and malefic results basing on the natal chart, 12 bhavas , 9 planets their postings, aspects

  • Parashara System
  • Jaimini System
  • Yavana System

3. Samhitha Skandha – Vastu Shastra, Muhurtha, Samudrika Sastra, Gochara, Vatavaran Sastra etc are dealt in this. 4. Prasna Skandha 5. Sakuna Skandha (OMEN)

Prophets of Astrology

Sun, Pithamaha, Vyasa, Vassista, Sakalya, Atri, Parasara, Kashyapa, Narada, Garga, Marichi, Manu, Angirasa, Romasa, Pulaha, Chyavana, Yavana, Brighu and Sounaka

Planets and their Importance

Each planet has some significance. Sun – Atmakaraka (health), Moon – mind, Jupiter – Knowledge, Mercury – Vakku(Speech),Mars – Bhatrukaraka, Venus – Indriyam(Senses), Saturn – Dukkam(Sorrow), Rahu – Asa(Desire), Ketu – Moksha

Astrology – from past to present

Astrology is as old as vedas themselves. Astrology is a heritage of all of us, which stood the test of time. Astrology had managed to survive through generations. There are various methods of Astrology.

Astrology is a scientific study of planets and stars. The position of planets on the basis of astronomy and mathematics, are mapped in the form of a horoscope.

The Indian Astronomy and Astrology considers earth as the centre, and all other heavenly bodies moving around it in one manner or the other whereas in the Western System considers sun as the centre.

Horoscopic Chart

Astrological Remedies


‘Japam’ means every planet from Sun to the remaining 8 planets having their own number of Mahadasa years.., for exapmle sun:6years; moon:10years etc. If a person is suffering from a particular problem caused due to a particular planet we suggest that person to do japa for that planet(chanting particular mantram)


‘Danam’ means every planet from Sun to the remaining 8 planets having their own number of Mahadasa years.., for exapmle sun:6years; moon:10years etc. If a person is suffering from a particular problem caused due to a particular planet we suggest that person to do danam for that planet(rice for moon, chanadal for jupiter, moong dal for mercury)


Depending on the severity of the problem we suggest to do Homam/Shanti for that particular planet

Gem Stones

‘Gem Stones’ are nothing but Navaratnams; each planet indicates each stone for eg; Ravi-Ruby, Moon-Pearl, Mars-Coral, Saturn-Blue Saphire, Venus-Diamond, Rahu-Topaz, Ketu-Cats Eye, Guru-Yellow Saphire, Mercury-Emrald. Each lagnam is having (+)ve & (-)ve stones. Gem stone remedy is based on the position of the weak planet and position of important planet in ones kundali. Gem stone should not be prescribed based on ones Star, Sign, Dasha or Antardasha(sub dasha) which most of the astrologers do.

Visiting of Temple

In ones Janma Kundali (Chart) there is a Bhadakha Place, eg; there are chara, stira dwiswbhava Rasis in Astrology. Chara – Mesham,Karkatam,Tula,Makaram for these lagnams 11th lord is ‘Bhadakha’ , for Stira lagnam 9th lord is ‘Bhadakha’, for Dwiswabhava lagnam 7th lord is ‘Bhadakha’. After analysing one’s chart we can suggest the person to visit any or a particular temple.

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